
End of Matriculation's Life

Hi guys. Omaigod I just can't move on with matricuation life. Yah it's end already but I never feel it. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Dah lah nak cakap melayu je lol. Huhu. Hmm aku rindu weh time kat matrik dulu. sumpah aku rindu. Every second of my life aku kat sana sumpah aku rindu. From my first day till the end setiap saat aku rindu. Sikit pun aku tak boleh move on. Sakit gak an tah mybe sebab aku ni memang susah sikit nak lupakan orang rasa tak boleh terima je yang memang lumrah kehidupan ada perpisahan hmm. you know what setiap hari aku bangun aku macam blur kejap. Tengok sekeliling bilik aku. Like dalam hati " mana Alia mana Tasha

Done Sem 1 !!

Assalamualaikum and hi to all my visitors and followers. How are you guys?? Is it fine?? Yaa I hope all of you fine like me. I just don't know what I'm going to write in this entry actually. Cause long time I'm not post in this blog so yaaa I decide to write about my Sem 1 was done and PSPM also done. And now yes I don't know how to start. HAHAHAHAHAHAH. Okay just ignore my merepek story. Believe or not I and all my KMS-mates were finish our Sem 1 at Kolej Matrikulasi Selangor a.k.a KMS diHatiku (hiks). Yey big claps please. And automatically we were finish our PSPM examinationnnn. Yey yey yey. HAHAHAHAH. I'm just excited sorry guys. Yaaa I know everyone will ask me the cliche question like "how your exam??" "what your target??" and bla bla bla (bored face) Exam right?? so for sure laaa its difficult. If it easy it not called exam adumak (sorry for the 'TER' emotional) HAHAHHAHHAHA. Okay its difficult. DIFFICULT !! Yaaa its difficul

Thinking Maps

GoooooooooooD Morningggggg everyone. Today I would like to show my mind maps thats I makes for assigment. Enjoy itttt. By the way the thinking maps is about Chapter 2 : Computer System which is meaning of Computer System, Bit and Byte and Characteristic of The Coding System which are have ASCII, EBCDIC and Unicode. I hope this thinking maps can help you to more understand about each subtopic. Thank you for visit my blog. You can comment and give me some advance to improve my assigment and blog. Thanks again and I hope you guys came and visit my blog again again and again for more info and knowledge. Will see again. Bye Bye.

Assemble and Reassemble : MOTHERBOARD

Assalamualaikum and a very good morning everyone. Today, i would like to introduce what is MOTHERBOARD. Me during the practical What is MOTHERBOARD?? Motherboard is the main circuit board of the computer. Functions of Motherboard are .... 1. Hold many components of the system. 2. Provides connectors for other peripherals. Bacis components of motherboard are ... 1. Precessor Slot 2. Memory Slots 3. Adapter Card Slot   This is Processor Slot. Slot on the motherboard that holds a processor/central processing unit (CPU) and form the electrical interface with the CPU.   This is Memory Slot. Slot on the motherboard that hold memory modules, that are the Random Access Memory (RAM).   This is Adapter Card Slots. Slot on the motherboard that can hold adapter cards. This is all about Motherboard and thier basic component. I hope all of you enjoy it and can improve your knowledge. Thank you for visit my blog. See you guys again. Bye bye.

Application of Information Technology (Publishing) : Brochure

Hai, this is my first assigment. My lecture ask my friends and I to design the brochure base on Chapter 1 : Introduction of Information Technology. I decide to explain about Application of Information Technology which is Publishing. So, this is my brochure . I'm using Publisher 2013 and after finish I convert my brochure from Publisher 2013 to PDF by using PDF online. Thats because I only can upload the brochure in to my blog if I convert to PDF.  Actually, we have many Application of IT like Education, Science, Health Care, Government, Finance, Travel and Manufacturing. I hope my brochure can help you guys to know about Application of IT which is Publishing and you guys more clear about Publishing and their application so you guys can use for your future life.  Only this from me. Don't forget to comment and give feed back. Thank you.

321 GoOOOOooooOOOoooOOooo

HelloOooOooOoo Morning everyone. How areyou today?? I hope all of you are fine like me. Today I feel so hapyyyyy because I will go back home after one month did not see my family and my friends. i feel excited and cannot wait to see them. Okay for all of you information I will post all my Sciences Computer's Assigment for the next entry. So I hope all of you can get ready to comment and give me some advices about my assigment.   ~We are from SM3K2T1~ I wish we will success together. 

First Entry

Hollaaaaa everyoneee thank you for visited my blog. This blog for my Science Computer assingment. Lets support me and follow my blog. Love you all. Bye.