Hollaaaaa my name is Sha Atikah Qurratuaini Bt Sabarudin. Nice name right?? Yeahhhhh nice like me ><  Please call me Sha!!! I am studying at Kolej Matrikulasi Selangor (KMS). Wish me luck here babies. I will wish you too. I would like to share all my activities at KMS and all about my Sciences Computer's Assigment  to all of you. I hope you enjoy reading my blog. Pleaseeeeee pleaseeee pleaseeee follow my blog and let me know if you want to me follow your blog back. Follow me so you can know how i survive here. Not easy but i need to keep moving. Feel free to drop your comment here. If you have some suggestion to me for my next entry or mybe some suggestion for my assigment please comment here too. Cant wait to share everything to you all. Finally, i am so sorry if  my words have make you feel hurt. BYE -sha-
