Done Sem 1 !!

Assalamualaikum and hi to all my visitors and followers. How are you guys?? Is it fine?? Yaa I hope all of you fine like me.

I just don't know what I'm going to write in this entry actually. Cause long time I'm not post in this blog so yaaa I decide to write about my Sem 1 was done and PSPM also done. And now yes I don't know how to start. HAHAHAHAHAHAH. Okay just ignore my merepek story.

Believe or not I and all my KMS-mates were finish our Sem 1 at Kolej Matrikulasi Selangor a.k.a KMS diHatiku (hiks). Yey big claps please. And automatically we were finish our PSPM examinationnnn. Yey yey yey. HAHAHAHAH. I'm just excited sorry guys. Yaaa I know everyone will ask me the cliche question like "how your exam??" "what your target??" and bla bla bla (bored face) Exam right?? so for sure laaa its difficult. If it easy it not called exam adumak (sorry for the 'TER' emotional) HAHAHHAHHAHA.

Okay its difficult. DIFFICULT !! Yaaa its difficult till all my friends say goodbye to me cause they want to continued with PDT which is Program Dua Tahun. The first paper is Math on Monday (9 am) After the Math paper, all my friend tell me "Sha before Math's paper I was target A but after the exam I'm not target "lulus" but I wish I'm not in one of student that should quit Matrik. Its meant below than 1.5 if I'm not mistaken.

Yaaa for sure I'm scared too but I always believe in Allah's miracle. Yaaa for sure I'm worried for all thing like if I get a bad result, if I should continued with PDT, if if if and if. Hmmm and finally I think I should stop ask myself 'if if if' I just should follow the flows. I force myself to keep calms and always think positive. I should be more positive. YES !! Sometime I think when I'm too negative its make me more stress and I act like I'm a god (Allah) who plan everything and forgot Allah is the best planer ever. And I also act like whos not believe in TAKDIR and dont even believe in Allah's miracle.

And I think I get all my positive vibes when I always think positive and always believe in Allah's plans. When I started to think about all HIKMAH inside my all bad stories and TAKDIR.

And all my friends I would like to tell you guys something and I hope my words can make you guys more confident and believe in yourself that you can get the great result and the best future.

My friends, always believe in Allah's miracle no matter what happened, no matter how difficult your life. Always remembered Allah is the best planer ever. Allah give you something to make sure you get something. Something thats you can learn from it. Something thats you can get more experience from it. Allah make your difficult life because he knows that you can survive. He knows you strong enough to face it. Please do not think negative about Allah plans. Allah love you thats why he tests you.

If one day you failed its not because you're loser or you're stupid. Its becaue Allah postpone your success. Please ignore when people judge you, blame you, tell you that you're never try your best or your effort was less. Just ignore, Friends.

If one day you failed, please do not blame youself, hate yourself, think that you are nothing, think that you are loser. You know yourself. So please, love yourself, get you positive vibes back and work hard hard and hard. Fight for you successed, Friends. Work hard in silence let success make the noise. Dont give up.

Thats all from me I hope you're enjoy read it. And I'm so sorry for my broken English or my rude words. Thank you guys. Enjoy your 3 weeks holidays to all my KMS-mates. Lot of love. Sha love you. Bye bye.
