
Showing posts from November, 2017

Done Sem 1 !!

Assalamualaikum and hi to all my visitors and followers. How are you guys?? Is it fine?? Yaa I hope all of you fine like me. I just don't know what I'm going to write in this entry actually. Cause long time I'm not post in this blog so yaaa I decide to write about my Sem 1 was done and PSPM also done. And now yes I don't know how to start. HAHAHAHAHAHAH. Okay just ignore my merepek story. Believe or not I and all my KMS-mates were finish our Sem 1 at Kolej Matrikulasi Selangor a.k.a KMS diHatiku (hiks). Yey big claps please. And automatically we were finish our PSPM examinationnnn. Yey yey yey. HAHAHAHAH. I'm just excited sorry guys. Yaaa I know everyone will ask me the cliche question like "how your exam??" "what your target??" and bla bla bla (bored face) Exam right?? so for sure laaa its difficult. If it easy it not called exam adumak (sorry for the 'TER' emotional) HAHAHHAHHAHA. Okay its difficult. DIFFICULT !! Yaaa its difficul